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Patient information

We offer a wide range of resources to ensure you get all the information you need to understand and be comfortable with your care.

Patient-centered care

Our staff at Sunrise Children's Hospital wants to ensure that all our patients' needs are met. We work to create a comfortable environment where we deliver quality care that is personalized to each individual.

Online registration 

We know your time is valuable. That’s why we offer convenient online registration for services such as surgical procedures, mammograms, and diagnostic tests and treatments.

We know your time is valuable. That’s why we offer convenient online registration for services such as surgical procedures, mammograms, and diagnostic tests and treatments.

Participating insurance plans

We accept all forms of government insurance from the U.S., Canada and other countries. We also accept Medicare, Medicaid, Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS), and workers compensation.

View our participating insurance plans

Advance care planning

Advance directives are legal documents that allow you to give directions for your future medical care. Advance directives help you protect your right to request or refuse care.

Learn more about advance care planning

Patient rights and responsibilities

We respect the dignity and pride of each individual we serve. We want our patients to be informed of their rights, responsibilities, and have access to contacts for complaints and grievances.

View your patient rights

Information and guidance for our patients

We want you to have as much information as possible about the care you'll receive in our hospital and what to expect before, during and after your time with us.

Our services and amenities

At our hospital, we all share the same goal — to provide high-quality, safe services in a family-friendly environment. We understand that when a child is sick, it involves the whole family, so, we built amenities and guest services for everyone. Our amenities and services include full-size parent beds and local discounts for your families.

The guest services department is located in the main lobby of the hospital and is staffed by hospital volunteers. The hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 5:00pm, with limited, flexible hours on the weekends. A hospital volunteer will be happy to assist you if you call (702) 961-9256.

Additional patient information

Please review the helpful information listed below prior to arriving for your child’s procedure or stay. To confirm your appointment date and arrival time, please contact your physician’s office. The following information is for reference only and is subject to change.


Sunrise Children’s Hospital
3186 S. Maryland Pkwy.
Las Vegas, NV 89109

Main phone number: (702) 961-5437


General parking and valet service are available on campus. The parking area closest to Sunrise Children’s Hospital is on the South side of the campus.

Upon arrival

Enter through Sunrise Children’s Hospital entrance on the South side of the campus. Check in with Registration/Admitting upon arrival located in our lobby.

Make sure to bring a:

  • Photo ID
  • Physician order and any paperwork from the physician
  • Insurance card (if applicable)
  • Guardianship paper, if you are not the biological parent
  • List of current medications for your child

Patient advocate

Patient safety and satisfaction are our top priority. Have a question or concern? If you’d like to share or speak with someone, please contact our patient advocate:

Be sure to leave your name and the patient’s full name, date of visit or admission and the best daytime phone number where you may be reached. A hospital leader will follow up with you shortly.


Our CARE Cart is an example of our commitment to making sure that your stay in our hospital is as comfortable as possible. Hot towels, books, playing cards, word search puzzles and other items are available to pass the time. Should you miss the cart, please contact the front desk at (702) 961-9256.

Spiritual support

An in-house chaplain is available for spiritual care services should your family need them. You can contact the hospital operator for more information. We also have a meditation room located off the adult main lobby that is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Private rooms

Each private room at our hospital has individual amenities for the patient and their family. The pediatric rooms have their own bathroom and shower, personal desk, sleeping accommodations for one parent, wireless internet access, a television and a gaming system.

Child life specialists

Our child life specialists tend to the needs of each child and their family through educational and support services. They provide therapeutic play opportunities, incorporating actual medical equipment to help children gain a sense of control in the hospital environment. Our specialists will also assist patients and families in identifying and using coping mechanisms to reduce the stress related to hospitalization.

Pediatric and neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) social workers

Our hospital offers dedicated pediatric and neonatal social workers providing skilled, compassionate services throughout the hospital.


Playtime is important for kids. Being in the hospital doesn't have to interfere with that. Playrooms are available for young children and teens. Rooms are filled with age-appropriate toys, movies, games, books and more to help keep our patients active and get them out of their rooms to engage in therapeutic play with others. Children in isolation will not be able to visit the playroom, but we can bring activities to their room.

Local dining

The Café is located on the first floor of the adult hospital and serves hot entrées and to-go items. Café hours are seven days a week, from 5:30am to midnight.

Wi-Fi access

To access our complimentary Wi-Fi for Windows:

  1. Double click the computer icon on the lower right side of the tool bar.
  2. Select View Wireless Networks.
  3. Select Guest Access and connect.

Once connected, agree to the HCA waiver.

Long-distance calls

Our hospital operators will be happy to connect you to a long-distance operator so that collect calls to loved ones can be placed. If that is not an option, our on-site Walgreens carries calling cards beginning at $20 each. Contact the front desk at (702) 961-9256 and a hospital volunteer will be happy to assist you in obtaining one.

Committed to quality care

As part of our commitment to establishing quality care, we have safety initiatives in place that we closely monitor. Additionally, we listen to our patients to learn about their experience during all aspects of their treatment. The information we gather is then used to make positive changes in the way we treat our patients.

It is important to us that you have the information you need to make informed decisions about your healthcare. The Sunrise Health hospitals have worked in conjunction with the Nevada Hospital Association and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to voluntarily submit data in order to provide you with meaningful information. This information, as well as accreditations and certifications by independent, third-party organizations, can serve as a starting point in learning more about healthcare and what is right for you and your family. We encourage you to explore the links below to learn more. While these links focus on several health conditions, they do not address all conditions. Therefore, we recommend that you also talk to your physician and healthcare providers about your specific needs and the strengths of the hospital.

Hospital compare

The Hospital Compare website was created through the combined efforts of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), along with the Hospital Quality Alliance (HQA). Hospital Compare displays rates for Process of Care measures that show whether or not hospitals provide some of the care that is recommended for patients being treated for a heart attack, heart failure, pneumonia or patients having surgery. The data include patients with Medicare, those enrolled in Medicare health plans and those who don't have Medicare.

Nevada Hospital Association

The Nevada Hospital Association includes hospital performance measures for all Nevada hospitals reporting to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), which includes the Hospital Compare data for Process of Care Measures, and the Agency for Healthcare Quality and Research (AHRQ), which includes information on patient safety indicators.

Birth registry

Birth certificates are issued by the Southern Nevada Health District. You can find out information on how to request a birth certificate by visiting Southern Nevada Health District - Birth Certificates or by calling the Southern Nevada Health District at (702) 729-1010. If you have specific questions regarding a birth registry that is in process, please contact the facility birth clerk at (702) 961-8403.

Talk directly to a nurse, any time


Consult-A-Nurse® is a free service that provides you with physician referrals and health information 24/7. Our RNs and referral specialists can help you find a doctor, answer your healthcare questions and register for classes and events.