Contact us
Sunrise Hospital and Medical Center
Phone directory
Department / Facility | Phone |
Admitting | (702) 961-9060 |
Chaplain | (702) 961-9180 |
Children's Hospital Administration | (702) 961-6050 |
Consult-A-Nurse® | (702) 961-5020 |
Diagnostic Center | (702) 961-7280 |
Education | (702) 961-9220 |
Emergency Room | (702) 961-7800 |
Find A Physician | (702) 961-9250 |
Gift Shop | (702) 961-9255 |
Guest Services | (702) 961-9252 |
h2u - Health To You | (702) 961-9250 |
Information Desk - Main | (702) 961-9256 |
Intake Line - Adult-Referrals from Physicians - Hospitals Only | (702) 961-5020 |
Intake Line - Pediatric Referrals from Physicians - Hospitals Only | (702) 961-5021 |
Media Inquiries | (702) 961-9191 |
Medical Records (HIM) | (702) 961-8400 |
Patient Accounts | (800) 307-7595 |
Radiology/Diagnostic Imaging | (702) 961-7280 |
Social Services | (702) 961-9352 |
Sunny Babies | (702) 961-9140 |
Sunrise Hospital Administration | (702) 961-9000 |
Volunteer Office | (702) 961-9252 |