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Patient information

We offer a wide range of resources to ensure you get all the information you need to understand and be comfortable with your care.

Patient-centered care

At Sunrise Hospital and Medical Center, we aim to provide excellent service to you and your family. We have made a wide range of resources available to you that prioritize both your comfort and safety.

Online registration 

We know your time is valuable. That’s why we offer convenient online registration for services such as surgical procedures, mammograms, and diagnostic tests and treatments.

We know your time is valuable. That’s why we offer convenient online registration for services such as surgical procedures, mammograms, and diagnostic tests and treatments.

Participating insurance plans

We accept all forms of government insurance from the U.S., Canada and other countries. We also accept Medicare, Medicaid, Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS), and workers compensation.

View our participating insurance plans

Advance care planning

Advance directives are legal documents that allow you to give directions for your future medical care. Advance directives help you protect your right to request or refuse care.

Learn more about advance care planning

Patient rights and responsibilities

We respect the dignity and pride of each individual we serve. We want our patients to be informed of their rights, responsibilities, and have access to contacts for complaints and grievances.

View your patient rights

Information and guidance for our patients

We want you to have as much information as possible about the care you'll receive in our hospital and what to expect before, during and after your time with us.

About your hospital stay

Please review the helpful information listed below before arrival. To confirm your appointment date and arrival time, please contact your physician's office. The following information is for reference only and is subject to change.

Parking and valet

General parking and valet service available on campus are available. Take advantage of complementary valet services at the front, main entrance and the diagnostic building.

Valet hours

Main Entrance: Monday through Friday: 8:00am to 5:00pm
Diagnostic Center: Monday through Friday: 9:00am to 4:00pm

After hours, you can retrieve your keys at the Security Desk located in the Emergency Department or call (702) 961-8350.

What to bring

When visiting us as a patient, be sure to bring:

  • Photo ID
  • Insurance card (if applicable)
  • List of current medications
  • Forms or instructions from physician

Upon arrival

When you arrive at our hospital, please:

  • Enter through the main entrance on the North side of the building. If visiting after business hours, please enter through the emergency room (ER). On the weekends, please enter through the Children's Hospital main entrance on the South Side.
  • Check in with Registration or Admitting upon arrival.

Patient safety and advocacy

Together with our physician partners, we share the same goal — to provide high-quality and safe care to you. We are leader in safety with such initiatives as bar coding and smart pump technology for safe medications.

Have a question or concern? If you’d like to share or speak with someone, please contact our Patient Advocate:

Be sure to leave your name and patient’s full name (if you’re not the patient), date of visit or admission and the best daytime phone number where you may be reached. A hospital leader will follow up with you shortly.

What to expect as a guest

We are a community dedicated to healing. We believe that there is more to caring for you than just attending to your medical needs. While you are here you are not just our patient, you are also our guest.

The Guest Services Department is located in the main lobby of the hospital and staffed by hospital volunteers. The hours of operation are Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm and there are limited, flexible hours on the weekends. Please call (702) 961-9256 and a hospital volunteer will be happy to assist you.

Healthcare decisions made on your behalf

If you were to suddenly become ill or severely injured, would your family and loved ones know what healthcare decisions you would want made on your behalf?

Get copies of important healthcare documents by clicking the buttons below.

Consider visiting Nevada's Living Will Lock Box website to securely store your will and medical wishes.

Our patient services

It is our goal to make your stay with us as comfortable as possible. If you or your caregiver left home with nothing more than the clothes on your back, find you are in need of personal items or you have an electronics need, we can assist you in locating a retailer nearby. Please visit the volunteer located at the front main lobby for assistance or learn more about the many services available to you during your stay.


Our CARE Cart is an example of our commitment to making sure that your stay in our hospital is as comfortable as possible. We provide reading materials and puzzles to help pass the time, items to encourage quietness and rest, along with a variety of toiletries, all free of charge. Should you miss the cart, please contact the front desk at (702) 961-9256 and a hospital volunteer will be happy to help you.


Feel free to contact Guest Services at (702) 961-9256. They can assist with providing gently used clothing free of charge from our "CARE Closet."

Long-distance calls

From your room, the hospital operators will be happy to connect you to a long distance operator so that you can place a collect call to a loved one. If that is not an option, our on-site Walgreens carries United States calling cards beginning at $20 each. Contact the front desk at (702) 731-8133 and a hospital volunteer will be happy to assist you in obtaining one.

Spiritual support

An in-house chaplain is available for spiritual care services by contacting the hospital operator. We have a Meditation Room located off the adult main lobby and is open 24/7 days a week.


If you have special transportation needs, such as wheelchair accessibility, we can help make arrangements with your providers to return to your home after discharge. Contact your case manager should this service be needed.

Taxi service

Taxi cabs can be reached by picking up any house phone and dialing (702) 873-2000.

Travel Concierge Service

Visit our Travel Concierge Service page for more information.

Wi-Fi access

Our wireless service gives you fast reliable access to the internet and email thanks to our easy connection process. To connect to HCA’s Wi-Fi wireless high-speed internet service, follow these simple steps:

  1. Start with your Wi-Fi enabled device turned off.
  2. Turn your device on and ensure that it is connected to the "Guest_Access" SSID / Network Name.
  3. Launch your web browser. You should see the "Guest_Access" Welcome Page. Select your connection option. If you do not see the "Guest _ Access" Welcome Page, you may need to configure the SSID or Network Name to "Guest_Access".

You are now connected and can launch your VPN, email or other Web software.

ICARE award

Our employees, physicians and volunteers are committed to the care and improvement of human life. In doing so, we are dedicated to our iCare values. Each day, with each interaction, we strive to provide the best patient care, enhance services and preserve the wonderful culture of our hospital.

Our ICARE program recognizes employees who live these values. If you witness a moment of ICARE, please complete this form so that we may recognize the individual.

All fields with an asterisk (*) are required.

Talk directly to a nurse, any time


Consult-A-Nurse® is a free service that provides you with physician referrals and health information 24/7. Our RNs and referral specialists can help you find a doctor, answer your healthcare questions and register for classes and events.

MyHealthONE is our secure patient portal that allows you to manage all parts of your healthcare easily and securely.

  • View health records — lab results, physician notes, imaging reports and more
  • View your post-visit summary
  • Schedule a follow-up appointment
  • Share your health records with a physician or caregiver
  • And more
Create an account

Download the MyHealthONE® app on the App Store® or Google Play