Heart and vascular care in Las Vegas
We use advanced procedures and proven treatments to give you high-quality cardiovascular care.
Sunrise Hospital and Medical Center provides a large selection of cardiology services. This includes diagnostic testing, heart attack care, cardiac catheterization and both adult and pediatric heart surgery.
Is your heart healthy?
Understanding your heart health is critical to getting the care you need. We offer a health risk assessment to help get you started.
Understanding your heart health is critical to getting the care you need. We offer a health risk assessment to help get you started.
Cardiovascular conditions we treat
We recognize the essential role your cardiovascular system plays in your overall health, and provide care access for a variety of conditions, including:
- Heart arrhythmia
- Heart attack
- Heart failure
- Heart valve disease
Cardiothoracic procedures we perform
Our surgeons perform many cardiac and thoracic procedures, including:
- Adult cardiothoracic surgery
- Beating heart coronary artery bypass surgery
- Dialysis access procedures
- Endovascular stenting
- Heart catheterization
- Minimally invasive mitral valve repair
- Peripheral vascular surgery
- Traditional heart surgery
- Transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR)
To support the treatment efforts of our skilled surgeons, we have specially trained cardiac nurses who provide attentive care for you or your loved one while in the operating room, cardiac intensive care unit (ICU) and progressive care unit.
Our cardiology program
Our experienced specialists remain steadfastly committed to providing high-quality, comprehensive cardiology care to adults and children.
Heart disease risk factors
Some risk factors for heart disease are out of your control, including heredity and gender aspects. However, most instances of heart disease are preventable. Risk factors you can control include:
- High blood pressure
- High cholesterol
- Obesity
- Physical inactivity
- Smoking
- Type 2 diabetes
Services provided by our heart specialists
We are well-equipped to provide a wide range of cardiology services, including basic diagnostic testing and complex treatments for a heart attack.
Our hospital has received certification in disease-specific care for chest pain by The Joint Commission. Not only were we one of the first hospitals in Nevada to offer comprehensive pediatric heart surgery for congenital (present at birth) heart abnormalities, but our pediatric and adult arrhythmia center made us one of the first hospitals in the state to offer electrophysiology procedures to children. Finally, we have seven cardiac catheterization labs where we treat many different types of heart disease.
Heart arrhythmia treatment
Electrical currents and signals cause your heart to pump blood and contract. If there is something wrong with these, your heart can pump too fast, too slow or irregularly.
We treat many types of arrhythmia and other disorders of the heart's electrical system in our electrophysiology labs.
Left atrial appendage closure (LAAC)
Atrial fibrillation (AFib) occurs when the two upper chambers in your heart beat in an abnormal pattern that is faster than normal. This scenario can decrease the amount of oxygen your body receives.
Blood may collect in a small sac in your heart, called the left atrial appendage, due to AFib. Clots may form there, and if a clot breaks loose and travels to your brain, it can cause a stroke. We offer a special program to treat complications from AFib, and it includes a LAAC implant.
Our doctors can seal off your left atrial appendage by inserting a parachute-shaped device into the opening, and expanding it so that no blood can collect there.
Heart attack treatment
A heart attack occurs when plaque or cholesterol blocks one or more of the arteries connected to your heart. Your heart muscle can die due to the lack of blood flow that occurs in this scenario.
Our hybrid operating room (OR) is designed to accommodate leading-edge heart procedures. The design allows our heart disease specialists to perform cardiac catheterization procedures and surgeries in the same operating room — saving vital time. This hybrid OR was among the first of its kind in Southern Nevada.
Heart failure treatment
Heart failure happens when your heart cannot pump enough blood efficiently because it is too stiff or weak. Conditions, such as narrowed arteries in your heart or high blood pressure, can eventually lead to heart failure. While heart failure cannot be fully cured, it can be effectively managed.
We can implant a small device into your pulmonary artery to measure your blood pressure and heart rate. The device sends this data wirelessly to your team of specialists, who monitor it and will recommend changing your treatment if necessary.
Heart valve disease treatment
Heart valves open and close to allow blood to flow through your heart. When something happens to these valves, either through disease or a congenital abnormality, blood cannot flow properly throughout your body. If this condition is not treated, it can cause heart rhythm problems, blood clots or heart failure.
We offer several procedures to treat heart valve issues, including:
- Blocked or leaky valve replacement — This procedure replaces a blocked or leaky valve that was previously repaired, using a bioprosthetic valve at the end of a balloon catheter.
- Heart murmur testing and treatment — These tests measure the sounds that blood can make flowing through the heart, which can either be harmless or a sign of something more serious.
- Transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) — TAVR is a minimally invasive treatment for a narrowed aortic valve that fails to open properly. We use a catheter to implant a replacement valve into the opening without removing the old valve. Once the new valve expands, it pushes the old valve leaflets out of the way and the tissue in the replacement valve begins regulating blood flow.
- Transcatheter mitral valve therapy — This treatment targets mitral regurgitation, a condition in which your heart's mitral valve does not close tightly. This allows blood to flow backward in your heart.
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) treatment
We are home to one of Nevada's first comprehensive ECMO programs, providing treatment for adult and pediatric patients.
In addition, our hospital has the distinction of being among Nevada's first Extracorporeal Life Support Organization (ELSO) member. ELSO is the world's leading source of data on people receiving ECMO. ELSO governs and credits ECMO centers around the world. We are proud to have our program distinguished by ELSO's Pathway to Excellence — Silver Level ranking, exclusive to Nevada.
What is ECMO?
ECMO is a life support technology for people with severe heart and lung issues. Our technology allows your heart and lungs to rest and recover from any illness, disease and injury your body has sustained. Through an oxygenator, which functions as the heart and lungs, blood is supplied with oxygen and pumped back into the body to help improve the impaired function.
Conditions that ECMO can treat
ECMO can aid in treating several conditions, including:
- Adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
- "Bridge" to transplant
- Burns (caused by smoke inhalation)
- Cardiogenic shock
- Heart attack
- Myocarditis
- Pulmonary embolism
- Respiratory failure
- Sepsis
How long you can receive ECMO?
You might receive ECMO for several days, weeks or months. Our team will continuously evaluate your progress and base the length of time on that.
Sedation versus being awake on ECMO
We will sedate you initially when we put you on ECMO. When appropriate, our goal is to awaken and mobilize you, aiding in your recovery.
Team of ECMO professionals
ECMO is invasive and can be taxing on your body. For this reason, we have a multidisciplinary team that takes excellent care of you throughout treatment. Our specialized ECMO team includes:
- Doctors and surgeons
- Nurses
- Perfusionists
- Pharmacists
- Physical therapists
- Respiratory therapists
Common heart attack symptoms
Although other conditions can cause them, certain symptoms might indicate that you are having a heart attack.
When to seek care
It is imperative to get help immediately if you experience a combination of any of the following symptoms:
- Cold sweat
- Fatigue
- Lightheadedness or dizziness
- Nausea, indigestion or heartburn symptoms
- Pressure, tightness or pain in your chest that may radiate to your arms, neck, jaw or back
- Shortness of breath