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The light

MountainView Hospital Received this letter from a patient's loved one about their experience.

June 26, 2024
The closeup of holding hands. An adult patient with a thermometer on their finger and a child standing beside the hospital bed, holding the patient's hand.

I have officially seen the Light.

Being a resident of Las Vegas for the past seven years, one seems to hear so often that the medical care that people receive here in the valley is frankly not great. With the exception of needing to visit a doctor for simple things like an ear infection, or a flue or COVID shot, I had no reason to believe that this wasn’t true… that is until my long-term partner got seriously ill a few weeks ago.

His declining health triggered an ultimate visit to the ER at Aliante, and then a transfer to the NSICU Unit at MountainView Hospital. It is not an understatement to say that from the moment he entered the doors at the ER facility, to his admittance to the NSICU Unit, he has received the highest quality care that ANYONE should every expect to receive ANYWHERE.

The doctors and nurses have been proficient, knowledgeable, friendly and — in my opinion — as good as they get. Everyone in this valley — or across this country — should be SO lucky as to be treated as well as my partner has been treated.

Among the extraordinary people who have aided in his recovery is his first nurse, Larris. Larris exemplifies what is great not just in a nurse, but in a human being who is compassionate toward others. He was always there to proactively aid in my partner’s recovery and to keep my consistently updated on his status and treatment measures.

Never — not once — were either of us treated with anything less than dignity, humanity and proficiency. He was always there, always positive, always helpful and always kind.

MountainView Hospital should be SO proud to have people like Larris as part of its team.

You know, at the end of the day, patient care isn’t about the hundreds of thousands of people who pass through the doors of a hospital or facility over the course of a year. It’s about the one person in the one bed who needs help.

For me — and for my partner — our eyes have been opened and we have seen the light. There IS incredible medical care in Las Vegas. We know because we found it.

With deep gratitude and endless thankfulness to Larris and the entire team.

June 26, 2024
MountainView Hospital, ER at Aliante

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