Contact us
Contact Southern Hills Hospital and Medical Center
Reach out to us and we will answer any questions or concerns you may have.
Southern Hills Hospital and Medical Center
Phone directory
- Admitting/Registration: (702) 916-9060
- Cardiology Services: (702) 916-7460
- Consult-A-Nurse®: (702) 916-5023
- Diagnostic Imaging: (702) 916-7288
- Education: (702) 916-6880
- Emergency Services: (702) 916-7800
- ER at Desert's Edge: (702) 962-0200
- ER at South Las Vegas Blvd: (702) 962-0800
- ER at The Lakes: (702) 962-0500
- Financial Counselor: (702) 916-9078
- Find a Physician: (702) 916-5023
- Food & Nutrition: (702) 916-8006
- Gift Shop: (702) 916-9255
- h2u Health & Wellness Program: (702) 916-9251
- Housekeeping: (702) 916-5220
- Human Resources: (702) 916-9160
- Infection Prevention: (702) 916-9185
- Intensive Care Unit: (702) 916-6504
- Labor & Delivery: (702) 916-7070
- Main Hospital: (702) 916-5000
- Media Request Hotline: (702) 916-9191
- Medical Records: (702) 916-8400
- Medical Staff Services: (702) 916-8434
- Medical/Surgical/Telemetry: (702) 916-6100
- Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: (702) 916-6700
- Oncology: (702) 916-5023
- Orthopedic and Spine Unit: (702) 916-6390
- Outpatient Infusion Center: (702) 916-7868
- Pre-Admission Testing: (702) 916-7860
- Quality: (702) 916-9176
- Registration Information: (702) 304-3152
- RISE Behavioral Health: (702) 916-6590
- Risk Management: (702) 916-9174
- Security: (702) 916-8352
- Sunny Babies Program: (702) 731-8703
- Surgical Services: (702) 916-7010
- Volunteer Program: (702) 916-9251
- Women's Service: (702) 916-7070
Media contact
Media hotline: (702) 916-9191
Southern Hills Hospital strives toward being a valuable resource to help connect news outlets to expert healthcare sources to promote quality and innovative healthcare services in Nevada.
If you wish to reach one of our sister facilities, please contact each facility below through the main numbers:
- MountainView Hospital: (702) 962-5000
- Sunrise Hospital and Medical Center or Sunrise Children’s Hospital: (702) 961-5000